Norman Gratuit

Tag: zero

  • Brigitte


    They say that it was debris from Tiamat’s collision with a Nibiru moon which created the Great Band Bracelet – the asteroid belt which is found between Mars and Jupiter.

  • Wintadose


    As explained by Albert Pike, Luciferian worship is a creed, which teaches that Lucifer was the brightest of God’s three right-hand angels, a super-being endowed with super intelligence and capabilities. So great was his power that he was able to challenge God and take over the running of the Universe.

  • Écrin


    The gin was served out to them in handleless china mugs. They threaded their way across the crowded room and unpacked their trays on to the metal- topped table, on one corner of which someone had left a pool of stew.

  • Riots


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